Inmates are searching

God has opened up an opportunity to reach out to the men and women behind bars

Locked up in their cells during the Christmas season, inmates experience pain and sorrow in their isolation from Christmas celebrations with family and friends.

Our Christmas cards. proclaim a messages of hope and encouragement relevant to the lives of prison/jail inmates .

2022 Christmas cards are currently in production so they will be available this August and September to be distributed among various prison/jail ministries throughout the country.


Chaplain Keithian Starling (standing next to Helen) is just such a person changed and set free by God's grace. Keithian was in and out of jails and prisons most of his teenage/adult life until his life was transformed. Keithian started Grace Ministries and now he works full-ttme preaching, teaching, and training in Nashville prisons, plus other states and internationally.    


Christmas Cards

These cards, given FREE OF CHARGE to prison/jail ministries, are made possible by HEART GIFTS supporters who partner in sowing "seeds" of God's Word. 

In the past five years, over TWO MILLION Christmas cards have been distributed to prison chaplains, rescue missions, evangelism outreach, Christmas baskets/dinners/gifts. 

Inmates are searching. The opportunity is here to sow seeds of life that lead to transformation. Prisons and jails are like a revolving door. Statistics reveal that 75% of inmates return within 3 years after release. Unless there is a real change, a transformation from within that truly sets them free, the cycle of repeat offenses continues on and on.

Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” 

Transformation by renewal of the mind involves a change from within that affects the outward way we live. These Christmas card “seeds” are sent out in faith, trusting the Holy Spirit to bring renewal and transformation by God’s Word.


Heart Gifts - non-profit

Heart Gifts is a Non-Profit 501(c)3 ministry in partnership with other reputable non-profit Christian organizations dedicated to sowing "seeds" of God's Word to the needy and neglected around the world. Heart Gifts welcomes donations, which are fully tax–deductible. 

Contributions can be mailed to address  below or donate online: Heart Gifts

Heart Gifts - D. Haidle

17971 SE River Rd #320

Milwaukie, Oregon 97267

We are grateful for supporters who pray and contribute in this ministry. 

We invite you to partner with us. Regardless, if you intentionally came to this page or just happened to be browsing around, this is your opportunity to make a difference by participation in praying for those behind bars and with a financial gift which enables Heart Gifts to produce and distribute the Christmas cards.