Whose Stories - His Stories

        Everyone has a story—a story with the power to impact us in a special way. When an individual in this book shares what happened in his or her life, one central character always emerges: GOD—the God of the Universe!

     Actually, all these stories are God’s stories. God is the Giver, the Revealer, the Redeemer, the Encourager, the Forgiver, the Helper, the Rescuer, the Provider, the Savior and the Friend. 

     How this book got started by Helen Haidle:

     In my early teen years, my mother taught me embroidery. While we sewed together, she would recount the inspirational stories of her life.

     I asked to hear the stories over and over, especially how the Lord held my mother’s hand at the lowest point in her life.

     Forty years later, at the point of death, the Lord gave her a vision and told her: “Not yet, Ella. I have work for you to do.”

     Mother shared how an Assembly of God preacher prayed for my grandmother and she was instantly healed of a skin disease. Mother told how relatives in South Dakota gathered together Sunday evenings to sing hymns and pray as they struggled through hot summers, failed crops, and harsh winters. 

     Many times, I asked Mother to retell the story of the angel who appeared to my Uncle Johnny before he died of cancer.     

     Nearly all the stories in this book come from people we have known here in the Portland (Oregon) area for over thirty years. We know the integrity of each individual and we are convinced of the truth of these stories.

     As people have shared with us their experiences of God at work in their lives, we have discovered each story to be unique because our God, Creator of the Universe, never seems to do the exact same thing twice.

     David and I have also known God to be real in our lives, as we've experienced His touch during 52 years of marriage. 

     Even working on this book has been a step of faith, similar to the step David and I took in 1988, when we sensed the Lord’s call to spend a year writing and illustrating The Lord is My Shepherd, a picture book on Psalm 23. 

     Today, fifty-five books later, we hope these testimonies will encourage every reader to trust our faithful God.

        Our love and prayers,

        Helen (& David) Haidle